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Monday, November 19, 2018
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Daniel A. Boldrini, Pittston; Alex L. Ellsworth, Harding; Holly Ference, Harding; Stephen J. Under 14 KO Cup: Stonesfield Strikers v Banbury Utd Yth, Banbury Irish v Eynsham Yth. A League: Bure Pk Jun v Tower Hill Stars. B League: Grendon Rgrs v Launton Rgrs, Hanwell Utd v Bampton Tn Yth, Yarnton Blues v Charlbury Tn Yth.
The origins of the role of godparents in weddings are directly related to the practice of baptism and confirmation. By the second century AD baptisms were accepted as spiritual and social purification of infants and secondary parents or "sponsors" would enact to speak the child's part in the acceptance of God in life. This also was the case in Confirmation as the rites of Christian passage into adulthood and so for weddings as the couple's union binds them together as one.
To participate in a prestigious parade."The first time was in 1971 for Richard Nixon, then in 1976 for the bicentennial parade, then in 2005 for the second inauguration for George W. Bush and then now so here we are 12 years later and we've been invited to go back," Warnke said.Laurette Locke, a member of the Sheriff's Posse, said she is looking forward to riding her horse, Rosie."This is my first time. I went in 2005 as a wife now I get to go as a parade participant and I'm excited," she said.She'll be riding alongside her husband, Kevin, who will be participating in his second presidential inauguration.
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